October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month and In 2022 an estimated 287,850 new cases of invasive breast cancer are expected to be diagnosed in the United States. Once a woman is diagnosed with breast cancer a mastectomy or lumpectomy will …
Are you tired of looking tired?
Ever wonder which cosmetic surgery procedure will give you the biggest bang for the buck? An eyelid lift (blepharoplasty) is one of the most popular procedures performed in the United States today. It is definitely at the top of the …
A facelift is a gold standard for taking years off your appearance. Pairing it with complementary procedures can enhance and extend the results of this popular procedure. Once you’ve reserved time on your surgeon’s schedule, you’ll want to make the …
10 tips for a smooth post-surgical recovery.
Follow these tips from our Polyclinic Plastic surgeons in Seattle, Washington to ensure a smooth post-surgery recovery.
Breast Reconstruction: Myths vs. Facts
Learn more about breast reconstruction options from our surgeons at Polyclinic Plastic Surgery in Seattle. Separate the myths from the facts!
What are the benefits of using medical-grade skincare products?
A quick Google search or stroll down the cosmetics aisle of any department store will yield thousands of products promising to give you healthier, more radiant skin. With so many options to choose from, why would you opt for medical-grade …
Microneedling with PRP; the secret to younger-looking skin.
Have you struggled with acne scars, wrinkles, or sun damage? Would you like to slow down the signs of aging? If the answer is yes, you’ve probably heard of microneedling; a popular treatment that uses controlled micro-injuries to stimulate your …
Viveve Vaginal Rejuvenation: What are the benefits?
Is sexual intercourse uncomfortable or painful for you? Aging, hormone changes, genetics, or overstretched vaginal tissue due to childbirth can cause symptoms that can negatively impact intimacy and your sexual self-esteem as well as your overall quality of life. Your sexual …
Know what to expect at your cosmetic surgery consultation in Seattle.
Introducing QWO: the first FDA-approved injectable treatment for cellulite.
Introducing QWO: a new injectable treatment for cellulite at the Polyclinic Plastic Surgery Center in Seattle.