Microneedling with PRP; the secret to younger-looking skin.

Stephany AngelacosUncategorized

Have you struggled with acne scars, wrinkles, or sun damage? Would you like to slow down the signs of aging? If the answer is yes, you’ve probably heard of microneedling; a popular treatment that uses controlled micro-injuries to stimulate your skin’s natural healing process. Microneedling works to stimulate new collagen, naturally increasing your skin’s elasticity to minimize signs of aging.

While microneedling alone improves overall skin tone, texture, and signs of aging, for maximum facial rejuvenation, the addition of platelet-rich plasma takes this anti-aging treatment to the next level.  Using your blood’s unique healing cells and powerful growth factors to improve your skin tone, adding PRP can further help stimulate collagen growth and smooth out any imperfections to get your skin glowing. Platelets and plasma are rich in growth factors that essentially act as energy boosts for our skin. They help our skin function optimally, increasing collagen and elastin while also bringing antioxidant and hydrating properties.  

What skin conditions can platelet-rich plasma (PRP) treat?

Microneedling (with or without PRP) can improve a variety of skin conditions, including:

  • Acne scars
  • Wrinkles and fine lines
  • Sun damage 
  • Surgical scars
  • Large Pores
  • Hyperpigmentation
  • Uneven skin texture. 

How does it work? 

After a small blood draw, we will run your blood through a tool called a centrifuge to separate your plasma and platelets. Next, we will apply a topical anesthetic to your face for about 30 minutes before your treatment. Once you are numb one of our Licensed Master Estheticians, Haley or Dina, will use the SkinPen microneedling device along with a hydrating serum to create controlled injuries to the skin. 

The channels made from the microneedling stimulate collagen production, inducing a natural healing process. It also creates channels that allow topical gels and creams, and the PRP to be absorbed. Once the microneedling treatment is completed the plasma is massaged over the treated areas of the skin. This helps the platelets and beneficial growth factors in the PRP penetrate deep into your skin so they can work their rejuvenating magic. 

Adding PRP to your microneedling session will also help decrease post-treatment symptoms like swelling and redness.  It will enhance the process of regenerating fresh, healthy new skin and a youthful glow through accelerated skin cell generation.

How long does the procedure take?

Appointments are approximately one hour.  That includes 30 minutes for the topical anesthetic to start working and 30 minutes for the procedure itself.

Does the procedure hurt?

You may experience slight discomfort during and after the procedure but nothing significant.

Who is not a good candidate for this treatment?

This may not be the best treatment for you if you:

  • Are pregnant
  • Use Accutane for acne
  • Have active acne
  • Have a skin condition such as facial eczema or rosacea
  • Scar easily
  • Have a history of poor wound healing
  • Have undergone skin radiation in the last 12 months
  • Have any type of blood cancer
  • Have cardiovascular disease which requires taking a blood thinner
  • Have had major surgery in the past few months
  • Smoke

How many sessions will I need?

Some people opt to do just one but you will need more than one treatment to see optimal results.  We recommend a series of  4-6 sessions done about every 4 weeks.

Should I avoid anything before and after the procedure?

You should avoid non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs a week before the treatment. You should also avoid unprotected sun exposure, as well as alcohol-based products and exfoliants while your skin is healing.

Is there any downtime?

There is very minimal downtime with microneedling alone or with PRP. You may experience soreness, bruising, swelling, or redness that should subside within 4-6 days after the treatment. If you are prone to cold sores, take antiviral medication 2 days before treatment.

When will I see improvement?

Subtle results can be seen after one treatment but can take a few weeks to produce full results as the body needs time to produce collagen.  In the weeks following treatment, your skin will show continued improvement.

How long do the results last?

Results can last as long as 12-18 months.

What are the possible side effects?

This treatment is generally very well tolerated. Possible side effects may include:

  • Redness
  • Oozing
  • Mild bruising
  • A mild flare-up of acne
  • Milia, or white papules in the skin

Are you ready for vibrant, luminous skin? Call our Aesthetic Center today to set up an appointment to try this great anti-aging option!